Sunday, March 6, 2011

daybooking #1

OUTSIDE MY WINDOW: cold, dreary weather. the neighbors ten nasty cats. our baby fruit trees cory planted last year. the tennessean newspaper i have yet to get
INSIDE THAT WINDOW: my gorgeous family of four. ryder in my arms, rocklyn and papa playing. toby mac singing.
I AM THINKING: about my new herb plants and the herb chopper i need to order online. and white bean chicken chili that i making this afternoon thanks to a friends great recipe.
I AM THANKFUL FOR: a million things. i am so in love with my sons it hurts sometimes. my husband is amazing and has taken such an interest in making my dreams happen that he is even excited to start eating tofu! my friends, some old some new, that are such a blessing in my life. my parents who helped shape me into who i am. Jesus Christ and His love for us all despite what horrid sinful people we can be. oh the list could go on and on
I AM CREATING: a menu for my future cafe
I AM READING: the book of Job, Forgotten God and soon to start back on the Harry Potter series
I AM PRAYING: for so many people I know who are hurting. most prayers focus these days on my dearest friend who is having marital struggles. praying she does not lose hope and knows God will honor her resistance to divorce and her ongoing persistence to make this work
I AM HEARING: listening to some old school stuff from high school. playing some mix cd i had with alkaline trio, dashboard confessional, ben kweller and so on. oh memories
IN THE KITCHEN: the dryer is going. there are no dishes! white beans are soaking and my new lil bluebird vase i bought the other day is perched in the window looking so adorable
AROUND MY HOME: is a mess i am trying to accept will never go away until my kids go to college and then will return when they have grandkids. i pick up, rocklyn throws more on the floor. lol. at least its just toys.
I AM LEARNING: more and more about the Holy Spirit. what a difficult concept for me to understand! but so necessary to know.
A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS: family, friends, reading, tennis, zumba, cooking, baking, music, singing, driving five speed (oh how i miss it...), the colors brown and red, lilacs, my new food processor and cooking homemade foods for my son, sleep!, led zeppelin, jason aldean's voice, concerts, traveling, tennessee, summer nights, bubble baths, etc
PLANS FOR THE WEEK: the wild cow, farmers market, flying kites at the park, homework...
ON MY MIND:a little spat my husband and I had this morning. i need to be more understanding sometimes...

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