As most of you know my husband has been working 3 days of 12 hour shifts at a time in Nashville for about 6 months now. At first this sounded like the greatest work schedule ever. Don't get me wrong, four day weekends are amazing but I have to say these 14 hour days while he is away are difficult with a five and seventeen month old and for the last 2 months no second car!!!!!!! So as I hear him pulling in the driveway last night and am ready to pass him both children the second he walks in the door (after he washes his hands of course because I am a nut about germs and the boys), he hands me a card and two cooking utensils. And then a new set of the Better Homes and Gardens pots and pans I have been eyeing longingly every time we see them. What a gift! These mismatched pots and pans we both merged together upon marriage is doing the job just not in style! So if this isn't already putting him in the running for husband of a lifetime he states that these are my father's day gift! Huh? MY FATHERS DAY GIFT? He explains that he can only be the great father he is due to myself and our children. Wow! And goes on to explain that since I support him as he works through graduate school to make his dreams a reality, he wants to be the same for me and since cooking is what I love the most (and he wants me to give up the realistic-ness of a teaching degree and go for my big time dreams of owning a vegetarian organic restaurant) he wanted to get me something to work on my future! Yep, I think he's a keeper, as if I had any doubts before this lol. I now face a dilemna... I don't want to use them yet hahaha just enjoy their shiny newness for now!
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